Five V Capital and the Foundation onboard three new partners

The Foundation has been working with Five V Capital throughout 2023 to form three new long-term partnerships. Five V is a proud member of Pledge 1%, recognising their commitment to making a meaningful financial contribution to charitable causes each year. Whilst they have been giving generously since their inception, these new strategic partnerships will see Five V working with the Foundation to commit both money and time to causes over the long-term.
Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF)
The ILF’s purpose is to invest in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities to provide the tools and resources they request to shape the direction of their children’s literacy futures. Through collaborative investment in Community and meaningful strategic partnerships, the ILF supports sustainable and positive change in Indigenous literacy through the supply of books and a focus on the publication of Indigenous content.
Five V and the Foundation will together support three programs in 2024: Book Buzz, Book Supply and Community Publishing Project. To find out more about these programs, click here>>>
RizeUp is a nationwide organisation dedicated to partnering with front-line specialist agencies and the community to provide tangible, life-changing support for families affected by domestic and family violence. Their core mission revolves around driving awareness of the prevalence of domestic and family violence within Australian society, and more crucially, generating practical assistance that offers families hope, support, and the means to break free from the cycle of violence.
In 2024 Five V will help fund the cornerstone of RizeUp’s endeavours – the ‘Homes Program.’ Founded on the belief that the journey to live a life free from violence begins with having a safe, comfortable home, funding will furnish homes for families emerging from traumatic circumstances, creating sanctuaries of comfort, support, and security.
The Foundation will fund RizeUp’s Trauma Recovery Hub, created to ensure families impacted by domestic and family violence can access specialised trauma recovery assistance and general medical attention, without the fear of being unable to cover either the Medicare gap or the full cost.
SANE offers a range of free digital and telehealth support services for people over 18 years of age with complex mental health needs, and their family, friends and carers. The organisation also provides support to people with intellectual disability, autism or acquired brain injury and mental health issues.
SANE has three goals:
- End mental health inequity through systemic change
- Eliminate stigma, discrimination, and social exclusion
- Equal employment and economic opportunity
In 2024 Five V Capital will help fund the implementation of a Safety, Risk, Management and Planning Module which will enable SANE counsellors to better support those who are risk of harm or suicide ideation.
The funding will enable SANE to invest in sophistication of its system so that when counsellors are managing crises, responses are more integrated, support better prevention and improve SANE’s response at an organisational level.
The Foundation’s funding will be directed towards digitising SANE’s Peer Ambassador and volunteer programs. This will allow SANE to improve the quality, compliance and efficiency of its programs and build their systems to scale up volunteering opportunities in the future to continue to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around complex mental health issues. Learn more about SANE at
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