24TH February 2025
Hyperion Awarded 2025 Morningstar Fund Manager of the Year

Hyperion Asset Management has been crowned Australia’s best fund manager at the 2025 Morningstar Awards for Investing Excellence in Australia. It is the second consecutive year the structural growth equities fund manager has taken out the coveted award.
Hyperion has now been named Morningstar Australia Fund Manager of the Year in 2025, 2024, 2021, and 2016.
Along with the coveted Overall Fund Manager of the Year award, Hyperion was also recognised in three other categories at the awards ceremony, held in Sydney on 20 February 2025, including:
- 2025 Fund Manager of the Year – Global Equities (Hyperion Global Growth Companies Fund (Managed Fund))
- 2025 Fund Manager of the Year – Domestic Equities – Large Cap (Hyperion Australian Growth Companies Fund)
- 2025 Fund Manager of the Year – Domestic Equities – Small Cap (Hyperion Small Growth Companies Fund)
Hyperion Chief Investment Officer, Mark Arnold, and Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Jason Orthman made the following comments on winning the awards:
“We would like to thank Morningstar for recognising our investment team, and our unwavering commitment to delivering true-to-label actively managed growth equities solutions to investors in both Australian and international markets.”
“Since 1996, we have been solely focussed on investing in concentrated portfolios of the highest quality businesses, with disruptive technologies, sustainable competitive advantages and structural tailwinds, while avoiding old-world companies, fads and concept stocks that have been a drag on the long-term performance of many equities portfolios.”
“We are proud of the long-term alpha we have delivered for our clients, but what’s important is looking forward, and when it comes to the outlook for structural growth equities, there is a lot to be optimistic about. Despite a world in which there is more noise, news flow and inconsistent market narratives than ever, the reality is we are entering a more normalised environment where company fundamentals matter and the power of long-term earnings compounding and market share gains will be rewarded.”
The Morningstar Awards for Investing Excellence in Australia recognise funds and asset managers that have served investors well over the long term and which Morningstar’s manager research team believes will be able to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns over time.
For more information about Hyperion Asset Management visit https://www.hyperion.com.au
Important Information:
Morningstar Awards 2025 ©. Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Awarded to Hyperion Asset Management for Overall Fund Manager of the Year, Fund Manager of the Year – Domestic Equities – Large Cap, Fund Manager of the Year – Domestic Equities – Small Cap, Fund Manager of the Year – Global Equities, Australia.
This Communication has been prepared by Hyperion Asset Management Limited (ABN 80 080 135 897 AFSL 238 380) (Hyperion) as the investment manager of the Hyperion Australian Growth Companies Fund (ARSN 089 548 443), the Hyperion Small Growth Companies Fund (ARSN 089 548 943) and the Hyperion Global Growth Companies Fund (Managed Fund) (ARSN 611 084 229) (each a Fund and together, the Funds). The Hyperion Global Growth Companies Fund changed its name to the Hyperion Global Growth Companies Fund (Managed Fund) on 5 February 2021 in order to facilitate quotation of the fund on the ASX. Interests in the Funds are issued by Pinnacle Fund Services Limited (ABN 29 082 494 362 AFSL 238 371) (Pinnacle) as responsible entity of the Funds. Pinnacle is not licensed to provide financial product advice.
Any opinions or forecasts reflect the judgment and assumptions of Hyperion and its representatives on the basis of information at the date of publication and may later change without notice. Any projections contained in this Report are estimates only and may not be realised in the future. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution, replication, posting, transmitting, publication, display, or reproduction in whole or in part of the information contained in this note is prohibited without obtaining prior written permission from Hyperion. Past performance is for illustrative purposes only and is not indicative of future performance.
The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD) of each of the Funds is available at https://www.hyperion.com.au/. Any potential investor should consider the relevant PDS and TMD before deciding whether to acquire, or continue to hold units in, a Fund. For historic TMDs, please contact Hyperion Investor Services, Phone 1300 497 374 or Email investorservices@hyperion.com.au. The information in this Report has been prepared without taking account of any person’s objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as a recommendation or statement of opinion intended to influence a person or persons in making a decision in relation to investment.
A financial adviser should be consulted before making any investment decision. This Report may contain the trade names or trademarks of various third parties, and if so, any such use is solely for illustrative purposes only. All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with, endorsement by, or association of any kind between them and Hyperion. Pinnacle and Hyperion believe the information contained in this Report is reliable, however no warranty is given as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness and persons relying on this information do so at their own risk. Subject to any liability which cannot be excluded under the relevant laws, Hyperion and Pinnacle disclaims all liability to any person relying on the information contained in this Report in respect of any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage), however caused, which may be suffered or arise directly or indirectly in respect of such information. This disclaimer extends to any entity that may distribute this Report. No distribution of this Report will be made in any jurisdiction where such distribution is not authorised or is unlawful. Unless otherwise specified, all amounts are in AUD. Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this note may not sum precisely to the total indicated and performance percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute returns.
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