1 JUNE 2023
Langdon Global Smaller Companies Fund receives inaugural rating from SQM
Langdon Equity Partners (Langdon) is pleased to announce the Langdon Global Smaller Companies Fund has received a 3.75 star ‘Favourable’ rating from SQM Research.
The strong rating in SQM’s 5-star maximum research structure, is the inaugural Australian research rating for Langdon’s global smaller companies strategy.
Langdon’s Founder and Lead Investor, Greg Dean, thanked SQM Research for its thorough analysis of the strategy.
“We think there is a remarkable opportunity for long term wealth creation in Global Smaller Companies and we’re pleased SQM has provided a positive independent endorsement of our investment strategy, process, and our hard-working investment team,” said Mr Dean.
The Langdon Global Smaller Companies Fund is a concentrated, high conviction portfolio of 25-40 companies. The investment team seeks to invest in high-quality fundamentally undervalued cash generative smaller companies, run by talented and long-term oriented teams.
The Fund aims to outperform the MSCI World Small Cap Index over the long term. Since inception on 27 June 2022, the Fund has returned 21.6% (to 28 April 2023) net of fees and taxes.
Langdon Equity Partners is a global small cap equities fund manager, based in Toronto, Canada. The boutique was launched in 2021, in partnership with Pinnacle.
More information: Langdon Global Smaller Companies Fund
If you’d like to view the research report, email distribution@pinnacleinvestment.com
Any performance data relating to the Australian Fund is strictly intended and limited to Australian unit holders and in no way is meant to be considered by anyone else for any other purposes.
Content in respect of the Langdon Smaller Companies Fund (ARSN 657 901 614 (the Fund) is issued by Pinnacle Fund Services Limited ABN 29 082 494 362 AFSL 238 371 (‘PFSL’) as responsible entity of the Fund. PFSL is not licensed to provide financial product advice. It contains general information only. It is not intended as a securities recommendation or statement of opinion intended to influence a person or persons in making a decision in relation to investment. It has been prepared without taking account of any person’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Any persons relying on this information should obtain professional advice before doing so. The Product Disclosure Statement (‘PDS’) and Target Market Determination (‘TMD’) of the Fund are available via the links below. Any potential investor should consider the PDS and TMD before deciding whether to acquire, or continue to hold units in, the Fund.
Link to the Product Disclosure Statement:Â here
Link to the Target Market Determination:Â here
For historic TMD’s please contact Pinnacle Client Service Phone 1300 010 311 or Email service@pinnacleinvestment.com
Past performance is for illustrative purposes only and is not indicative of future performance.
While Langdon Equity Partners Limited (‘Langdon’) and PFSL believe the information contained in this communication is reliable, no warranty is given as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness and persons relying on this information do so at their own risk. Subject to any liability which cannot be excluded under the relevant laws, Langdon and PFSL disclaim all liability to any person relying on the information contained in this communication in respect of any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage), however caused, which may be suffered or arise directly or indirectly in respect of such information. This disclaimer extends to any entity that may distribute this communication.
SQM Research Disclaimer
The rating contained on this page is issued by SQM Research Pty Ltd ABN 93 122 592 036AFSL 421913. SQM Research is an investment research firm that undertakes research on investment products exclusively for its wholesale clients, utilising a proprietary review and star rating system. The SQM Research star rating system is of a general nature and does not take into account the particular circumstances or needs of any specific person. The rating may be subject to change at any time. Only licensed financial advisers may use the SQM Research star rating system in determining whether an investment is appropriate to a person’s particular circumstances or needs. You should read the product disclosure statement and consult a licensed financial adviser before making an investment decision in relation to this investment product. SQM Research receives a fee from the Fund Manager for the research and rating of the managed investment scheme.
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