16 June 2021
Spheria Webinar:
Exploring Microcaps - Your Passport to Australia and the Globe
Marcus Burns (Founder and Portfolio Manager for the Australian Microcap Fund) and Gino Rossi (Portfolio Manager for the Global Microcap Fund), discuss why they believe microcaps are a compelling segment of the market that can provide investors with unique investment opportunities for the long term.
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Microcaps are an attractive investment with greater opportunities for wealth creation
Unique asset class with superior growth prospects
Undiscovered with better access to management teams
Outperformance of microcaps have accelerated compared to large cap equities, making 2021 a compelling time to gain exposure to the sector
The microcap sector provides investors with a great alpha opportunity, provides true diversification, and has historically had better recovery exposure
Australian and Global microcaps have the ability to provide investors with exposure to a more diverse range of new and growing sectors often not well represented in large and small caps
This communication is prepared by Spheria Asset Management Pty Limited ABN 42 611 081 326 AFSL 1240979 as the investment manager of the Spheria Emerging Companies Limited ABN 84 621 402 588 (‘SEC’, ‘Company’) and Spheria Australian Microcap Fund (ARSN 611 819 651), Spheria Australian Smaller Companies Fund (ARSN 117 083 762), Spheria Global Microcap Fund (ARSN 627 330 287) and Spheria Opportunities Fund (ARSN 144 032 431) (‘the Funds’). Pinnacle Fund Services Limited ABN 29 082 494 362 AFSL 238371 (‘PFSL’) is the product issuer of the Fund. PFSL is not licensed to provide financial product advice. PFSL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Pinnacle Investment Management Group Limited (‘Pinnacle’) ABN 22 100 325 184. The Product Disclosure Statement (‘PDS’) of the Fund is available at spheria.com.au. Any potential investor should consider the PDS before deciding whether to acquire, or continue to hold units in, the Fund.
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