Full Stop Australia seeks to create a consistent, national platform for local and state based sexual, domestic and family violence law reform and policy. The ultimate aim is to ensure that every survivor of sexual, domestic and family violence receives the same support and experience – regardless of location.
The Foundation formed a partnership with Full Stop Australia in FY17, reflecting that sexual, domestic and family violence is a key concern across the PNI Group and a key investor base – the superannuation funds industry. Subsequent funding has consistently allowed Full Stop Australia to maintain the critically important Head of Advocacy position, which will continue in FY25 to advocate for law reform and in particular, reform which is grounded in the lived-experience of survivors.
Funding has also supported Full Stop Australia to establish the first National Survivor Advocate Program (NSAP) which brings together people with lived experience of sexual, domestic and family violence from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds. In FY25 their voices will remain critically important in guiding the advocacy work of Full Stop Australia, and helping to drive meaningful changes to policy, practice, and law reform in a safe and supported way.